PU e entsoeng ka botala ba 14mm ka thapo e lohiloeng ka letsoho bakeng sa ho hula mohala

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Mefuta e fapaneng: likhoele tse tharo, likhoele tse nne, likhoele tse robeli, likhoele tse leshome le metso e 'meli, tse lohiloeng habeli jj.
Melemo: Aramid ke thepa e matla haholo, ts'ebetso ka mor'a polymerization, ho otlolla, ho ohla, e nang le mocheso o tsitsitseng ~ ho hanyetsa le
matla a phahameng.Joalo ka thapo e na le matla a phahameng, phapang ea mocheso (-40 ° C ~ 500 ° C) e thibela kutu ~ ts'ebetso e hananang le ts'ebetso, melemo e tlase ea bolelele.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

PU e entsoeng ka botala ba 14mm ka thapo e lohiloeng ka letsoho bakeng sa ho hula mohala

Mofuta: Liropo tsa fiber tsa Aramid

Mefuta e fapaneng: likhoele tse tharo, likhoele tse nne, likhoele tse robeli, likhoele tse leshome le metso e 'meli, tse lohiloeng habeli jj.
Melemo: Aramid ke thepa e matla haholo, ts'ebetso ka mor'a polymerization, ho otlolla, ho ohla, e nang le mocheso o tsitsitseng ~ ho hanyetsa le
matla a phahameng.Joalo ka thapo e na le matla a phahameng, phapang ea mocheso (-40 ° C ~ 500 ° C) e thibela kutu ~ ts'ebetso e hananang le ts'ebetso, melemo e tlase ea bolelele.


Thapo ea Aramid Ka Polyurethane e Ntle

Aramid e na le thepa eohle eo u e batlang moleng oa speargun.Ke matla a phahameng haholo, ho otlolla ho tlase haholo le ho boloka lefito le phahameng ho bolela hore hang ha lefito la constictor le tiisitsoe le tla lula le tiile.Qoba mathata a lefito kapa ho otlolla a tlhaho ho likhoele tse ling tse phahameng tsa ts'ebetso.Mohala ona o ntle haholo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse ngata ho kenyelletsa le rocketry le fire poi.The
Litšobotsi tse akaretsang tsa Aramid ke: High Modulus, High LASE (Load At Specified Elongation), High Tensile Strength at Low Weight, Low Elongation to Break High Modulus, (Structural Rigidity), Low Electrical Conductivity, High Chemical Resistance, Low Thermal Shrinkage, High. Ho tiea (Ho sebetsa ~ Ho ea ~ Break), Botsitso bo Botle ba Dimensional, Ho hanyetsana le Ho Seha ho Holimo, ho hanyetsana le malakabe, ho itima-mohau.
Litšoantšo tse qaqileng

PU e entsoeng ka botala ba 14mm ka thapo e lohiloeng ka letsoho bakeng sa ho hula mohala

Sehlahisoa Thapo ea Aramid
Lintho tse bonahalang Kenya kevlar/para aramid
Tšebeliso karolo ea ho tima sebōpi se chesang
Mohlala sampole e nyane ke mahala bakeng sa moreki
PU e entsoeng ka botala ba 14mm ka thapo e lohiloeng ka letsoho bakeng sa ho hula mohala

E sebelisoa haholo-holo bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea mocheso o phahameng, sekepe se khethehileng, boenjiniere ba motlakase, ts'ebetso ea metsing, mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea li-slings, ho emisoa, lipatlisiso tsa sesole le likarolo tse ling.
Aramid e na le thepa eohle eo u e batlang moleng oa speargun.Ke matla a phahameng haholo, ho otlolla ho tlase haholo le ho boloka lefito le phahameng ho bolela hore hang ha lefito la constictor le tiisitsoe le tla lula le tiile.Qoba mathata a lefito kapa ho otlolla a tlhaho ho likhoele tse ling tse phahameng tsa ts'ebetso.Mohala ona o ntle haholo bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse ngata ho kenyelletsa le rocketry le fire poi.Litšobotsi tse akaretsang tsa aramid ke: High Modulus, High LASE (Load At Specified Elongation), High Tensile Strength at Low Weight, Low Elongation to Break High Modulus, (Structural Rigidity), Low Electrical Conductivity, High Chemical Resistance, Low Thermal Shrinkage, Mathata a Phahameng (Ho sebetsa ~ Ho ea ~ Break), Botsitso bo Botle ba Dimensional, Ho hanyetsana le Ho Seha ho Phahameng, ho hanyetsana le lelakabe, ho itima-tima.


Tsela ea ho paka
PU e entsoeng ka botala ba 14mm ka thapo e lohiloeng ka letsoho bakeng sa ho hula mohala

Thapo ea Aramid


Khamphani ea rona e fetisitse setifikeiti sa sistimi ea boleng ba ISO9001.Re lumelloa ke mefuta e mengata ea lihlopha tsa sechaba ka tsela e latelang:


1.China Classification Society(CCS)
2.Det Norske Veritas(DNV)
3.Bureau Veritas (BV)
4.Lloyd's Register of Shipping(LR)
5.Lengolo la Lioyd la Jeremane la likepe(GL)
6.Amerika ea Lefapha la Thomello(ABS)
Khampani ea rona

Qingdao Florescence Co., Ltd. e sebetsa ka thata ho hlahisa liropo tse fapaneng.Re fana ka litšebeletso tse fapaneng tsa lithapo bakeng sa bareki ba litlhoko tse fapaneng.Lithapo tsa rona li kenyelletsa polypropylene, polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, polyester, UHMWPE, sisal, kevlar le cotton.Diameter ho tloha 4mm ~ 160mm, litlhaloso: sebopeho sa liropo se na le 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 diyuniti, likarolo tse peli, joalo-joalo.

Re ikemiselitse ka botlalo ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea bareki ba rona le ho feta litebello tsa bareki ba rona boleng ba lits'ebeletso.Re lebelletse ho sebelisana le bareki ba bangata lefatšeng ka bophara le ho theha bokamoso bo betere.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang